Welcome to our Insight blog where you will find stories and announcements that pertain to the industries Pyrotek serves, from aluminium to zinc galvanizing to glass to acoustics to battery materials and more.
CONTAINER GLASS: How Low-Porosity Refractory Stirrers Boosted Plant Efficiency
by David Cole and Paul Chevolleau | 28 October 2024
The right refractory material for stirrers in a colorant forehearth can eliminate streaky glass and increase plant efficiency and safety.

Pyrotek Receives Contractor Award from Constellium Muscle Shoals
by David Cole | 7 June 2022
Constellium Muscle Shoals' aluminium manufacturing operation in Muscle Shoals, Alabama, USA, presented Pyrotek with a "Contractor of the Year Award," following molten metal furnace refractory relining and maintenance work. Since 2015, Pyrotek's refractory services team has been providing refractory linings for furnaces, crucibles, and troughs for Constellium Muscle Shoals.

Ceramite Dual-Cast Crucibles Offer Maximum Life
by David Cole | 1 June 2022
At 2.5 tonnes capacity for molten metal, a Pyrotek Ceramite® Dual-Cast Crucible transfer ladle is the largest in use today at any foundry in Western Europe. It’s currently performing successfully for premium automotive foundry in Germany.

CASE STUDY: Cable Casting Operation Turns to Pyrotek Experts For Advanced Molten Copper Transfer Solution
by David Cole | 12 February 2021
As a result of this longer lasting transfer launder, the copper caster is now in a position where maintenance has decreased and metal cleanliness has improved, delivering measurable savings.

MEET PYROTEK: Q & A with Ross McGregor, Milton Keynes, U.K.
by David Cole | 19 October 2020
As a member of the Metallurgical Services Group team, Ross McGregor is inspired each day at the R&D center by the opportunity to work on projects touching many different industries and seek to improve the performance of a vast range of products and processes.
“A role this varied can lead to transferable ideas and new products that could improve efficiency,” he says. “The role also has the scope to allow myself to develop into a world-leading consultant, providing technical assistance within the aluminium industry.”

MEET PYROTEK: Q & A with Karlis Zivtins, Milton Keynes, U.K.
by David Cole | 14 October 2020
Karlis Zivtins, a Metallurgical Services Engineer at Pyrotek’s research and development center in Milton Keynes, U.K., was drawn to service with Pyrotek’s Metallurgical Services Group (MSG) because he saw he would be working in a modern, advanced and dynamic facility that serves customer globally, providing critical metallurgical and materials analysis.

The Pyrotek Flat Flame Burner – Precise, Efficient, Uniform Priming of CFFs and Filter Boxes
by David Cole | 22 September 2020
“Along with the exceptional heating performance, testing has proven the burner is capable of preheating the largest, most-dense CFFs, even in a dual-staged design where one filter is above another," says Aleš Bláha, Project Manager at Pyrotek’s Blansko Engineering Center.

Pyrotek Works Closely with Cometal Engineering At New Alu Menziken Casthouse in Romania
by David Cole | 15 July 2020
Convinced of Pyrotek's high-performance solutions, Cometal turns to Pyrotek for the best technology in launder systems, filtration, degassing and refining.

Pyrotek.com Page Devoted to Degassing Consumables
by David Cole | 14 June 2019
Pyrotek.com now has a page for Degassing Consumables to help customers explore in-depth what Pyrotek can offer so they operate more efficiently and save money.