Steve Sames, Sales Engineer
Casthouses in North America are increasing safety and operational efficiency through Pyrotek sow preheater furnace technology.
"We want our customers to have the safest process possible," says Steve Sames, Sales Engineer for Pyrotek and a former Casthouse Manager. "Using the sow preheater removes the possibility of a cold/wet sow going into your furnace."
Along with a safer operation, casthouse managers are seeing increases in productivity and efficiency. One casthouse manger Pyrotek works with in New York state, USA, saw the most improvement during alloy changes. In a charge of 40,000 pounds (18,000 kilograms) of prime aluminium T-bar or ingot/sow, he saw a reduction of melt times from 7 hours to 4 hours. He also saw an increase in production of 35,000-70,000 pounds (16,000-32,000 kilograms) in the first month of use.
"If I were still a casthouse manager and didn't have a sow preheater, I would get one," says Sames. "It's the piece of mind that your employees are safe that's the most valuable."
Pyrotek sow furnaces are gas-fired and provide uniform preheat temperatures up to 800º-850º Fahrenheit (426º-454º Celsius), with sow capacities reaching up to 40,000 pounds (18,000 kilograms).
Key benefits of our custom sow furnaces include:
- Installation and startup support
- Remote control capability for opening/closing door
- Floor-tile system construction included to support sowloading operations
- Door safety locking pin design, with stack-light indications
- Custom controls design and manufacture
- Controlled air-circulation fans
- Burner alarm
- Limits-lost alarm
- Independent high-temperature limit control
For more information, contact Caleb Pecola, calpec@pyrotek.com; Steve Sames, stesam@pyrotek.com; or Ken Schisler, kenschi@pyrotek.com.
Posted in Product Spotlight.