Distribution Control Devices

Distribution control devices, located beneath the spout and control pin, are custom-designed to distribute metal into vertical-direct chill (VDC) casting to maintain a stable casting process. A correctly designed distributor can minimize molten metal turbulence, retain oxide film, collect large particles, prevent scrapped slabs and improve the final metallurgical microstructure of the solidified VDC slab-rolling ingot slab. Since a distribution control device is one of the last components in the casting process to touch the molten metal prior to solidification, it is critical that only the highest quality products are used.
Pyrotek Offerings
Pyrotek has an extensive history in distribution control devices and offers a comprehensive product line to meet the most unique and stringent requirements.
Pyrotek offers four basic product types: channel bags, sewn combo bags, TF combo bags, and ReMAD (reusable molten aluminium distributor). Each product type is geometrically custom designed to fit the unique requirements of the customer’s casting pit and specific aluminium alloys.
- Extensive history provides industry-leading application expertise
- Custom designed to meet unique casting needs
- Easy installation on existing mounting system
- Reduces casting startup problems and aborted casts
- Consistent and repeatable performance
679 Reusable Molten Aluminium Distributor (ReMAD) E4 | Datasheet | English |
1711 TF Combo Bag Flyer EN | Flyer | English |
1715 TF Combo Bag Aluminium Case Study EN | External Case Study | English |
1716 Vertical Direct Chill Slab Casting Brochure EN | Brochure | English |
1750 Sewn Combo Bag EN | Datasheet | English |
678 TF Combo Bag EN | Datasheet | English |
112 Fibreglass Filtration Products EN | Datasheet | English |