Backup Insulation

Backup insulation is used to reduce heat loss from refractory systems, feed reservoir refractory, and other high-temperature applications where thermal insulation is important. In addition, if the primary refractory is compromised, the backup insulation layer can contain the molten materials to reduce the risk of explosion and minimize permanent warping and corrosion of steel shells.
Pyrotek Offerings
Depending on the Pyrotek backup insulation product, they can be poured, cut to shape, or packed into voids and cavities. Pyrotek's pourable backup insulation solutions are poured in place and capable of filling small and uneven spaces between working refractory and steel shells. Refractory board and both ceramic fibre board (RCF) and non-RCF board can be cut to shape and fitted as an assembly around working refractory. Pyrotek packing wool is an economical, simple solution that is packed or stuffed in place.
- Pourable insulation for aluminium—Pyrotek Pourable Insulation (PPI) 1000, Wollite, and Pyrocast 450
- Pourable insulation for glass—Pyrotek Pourable Insulation (PPI) 1400
- Board products—N-17, B-3, CS-1, M-series and more
- Structural insulation—ISOMAG® board
- Packing wool
- Improve thermal performance
- Control thermal gradients
- Extend service life of steel shells
- Reduce energy cost
- Lower steel shell temperatures
- Pourable Insulation
- Board Insulation
- Refractory Boards
Wollite Backup Insulation Testing Case Study | Link | |
767 Wollite EN | Datasheet | English |
1704 Wollite Testing Case Study EN | External Case Study | English |
996 Pourable Backup Insulation Installation Manual EN | Manual | English |
148 M-Series Boards EN | Datasheet | English |
1636 Ceramic Fibre Board Flyer EN | Flyer | English |
760 ISOMAG Brochure EN | Brochure | English |
1485 ISOMAG 55 XCO EN | Datasheet | English |
737 ISOMAG 70 XCO EN | Datasheet | English |
1127 Refractory Board Products EN | Datasheet | English |
1813 Pyrotek Pourable Insulation 1000 EN | Datasheet | English |
1747 Pyrotek Pourable Insulation 1400 EN | Datasheet | English |