Refining Agents (Fused Fluxes)
Fused fluxes, or refining agents, are salt blends that are chemically combined through melting and are designed to react with unwanted alkali metals like sodium (Na), lithium (Li), and calcium (Ca). Refining agents also have been shown to remove non-metallic inclusions, supplement degassing, decrease dross build-up on furnace walls, reduce sludge formation at the furnace bottom, reduce metal sticking, and alter metal oxides to appear "drier" and easier to handle and remove.
Pyrotek Offerings
For customers in the casthouse and primary aluminium industry, Pyrotek offers its Promag refining agents, while in the foundry it offers Fusal 1956. Pyrotek refining agents are designed to remove alkali metals, enhance degassing, remove non-metallic inclusions, reduce dross, reduce sludge formation and improve overall melt and furnace cleanliness. For more information on Promag and Fusal products, see the resources section below.
Pyrotek’s Promag refining agent product comes in the following versions:
- Promag SI
- Promag NI
- Promag RI
- Promag PSI-300
- Fine versions: Promag PSI, PNI, PRI
In addition to highly efficient cleaning of both metallic and non-metallic inclusions, enhanced quality of melts and casts, and reduction of dross, all Promag versions:
- Are non-toxic
- Melt below 480°C (900°F)
- Can be used to achieve sodium levels less than 1 part per million, even in high magnesium-aluminium alloys
- Can be skimmed from the surface of aluminium melts since its liquid density is lower than liquid aluminium
- Emit no fluorides; hydrogen-chloride (HCl) and particulate stack emissions are typically below U.S. Environmental Protection Agency emission standards for hazardous air pollutants
- Cleaning: alkali metals and non-metallic inclusions
- Reducing dross
- Improving degassing with inert gas injection
Considerations when choosing a recipe
- Metal/furnace operation temperature
- Alloy chemistry or type of metal used
- Flux addition technique