Pyrotek helps customers improve their performance in aluminium production. Within the potroom and carbon bake areas, Pyrotek offers consumable products, equipment and engineering expertise.
Related Products
Bulk Ceramic Fibers
Crucible and Ladle Systems
Electrical Conductors
- Busbars
- Potroom Clads
Electrical Insulation
Expansion Joints
Feeder Systems
Hand Tools
High Temperature Covers and Lids
High Temperature Fabrics
High Temperature Gaskets and Seals
High Temperature Sleeving
Instrumentation and Control
Metal Furnaces
- Induction Furnace Components
Personal Protective Equipment
Protective Coatings
Refractory Shapes
- Cathode/Collector Bar Sealing
- Ceramic Paper and Fabric (Wool)
- Crust Breaker Bits
- Dross/Drain/Bath Pans
- Thermal Insulation